Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award 2020 Germany - Fully Funded

Do you want to spend 4 days in Germany on fully funded scholarship program? then its the best chance for you because Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award 2020 Germany is now inviting all the people around the world for its Climate Change Award. Selected candidates would have 4 to 5 days stay in Germany in One young world Summit happening at 23 April 2021 to 26 April 2021.

Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award 2020 Germany - Fully Funded

The effects of climate change are not far off, with millions of people around the world now feeling the effects of rising sea levels, severe weather and catastrophic droughts. The unfortunate fact is that people affected by climate change are least responsible for these causes and at least are willing to oppose them.

The situation may sound dire, but the good news is that hundreds of thousands of individuals and organizations are working to tackle climate change and the global imbalances that are causing it. It's a movement of justice and Marry Robinson Climate Justice Award is proud to be part of the One Young world.

Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award 2020 is fully funded opportunity for youngsters, leaders, and influencers. One young world Summit will happen in Munich. The duration of the summit is 04 days. 04 days in Germany isn't that mesmerizing. 

You can also have all the information about One young World Summit Scholarship 2021 in Germany by the following link:

yesZurich One young World Summit Scholarship 2021 in Germanyyes

Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award 2020 Detail:

Funds Coverage: Fully Funded

Country: Germany

City: Munich

Duration: 04 Days

Dates: 23 April 2021 - 26 April 2021

yesTrent University Canada Scholarships for Undergraduate 2021yes

All about Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award:

The Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award was launched by Young World to help young generations identify and support effective environmental justice initiatives that protect the planet for future generations.

Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award is completing its aim like below: 

  1. Justice Award Scholarship is Identifying 3 young leaders from all around the globe at the leading edge of different cogent climate justice initiatives.
  2. It is enhancing awareness about climate changes among different peoples
  3. It also has aim for the direct support of their different kind of initiatives with the sure award of up to £4,000

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Benefits of Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award 2020:

As it is a fully-funded scholarship, Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award 2020 will cover every expense for the selected applicants. So What you need more even this scholarship is giving traveling allowances. Hurry up and apply before you miss this glorious chance. The detail of the expected benefits is given below:

  1. Participation in One Young World Summit 2021 in Germany,  
  2. Free full Accommodation
  3. Traveling cost from and to Munich
  4. 3 times Meal(Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)
  5. Grant of £4,000 for the climate justice projects
  6. Exclusive session with Mary Robinson 

yes6 Top Fully Funded Scholarships for international studentsyes

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants must keep in mind the following points to apply for Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award.

Eligible Countries: Applicants belong to any nationality are eligible to apply

Othe Requirements:

  1. Applicants age should be between 18 to 30 years old
  2. Applicants should have a leading role in well reputed organization, their projects should comply with climate justice
  3. There should be work done by applicants in which climate change or sustainable development topics should be involved
  4. Applicants should show how we can resolve these issues through 
  5. legal/policy change, communication, education, advocacy, frontline services.

yesYale University open Courses for worldwide studentsyes

Selection Criteria:

The selection committee will consider the following points whether the applicants have such things are not: 

  1. Community value:
    Whether or not  applicants projects relating to climate change that will give benefit to the community
  2. Relevance:
    Applicant's project should comply with climate justice
  3. Ambition:
    How much applicants have willingness and dedication.

yesMIPLC Scholarships in Germany 2021 - Fully Fundedyes

Required Information for applying:

  1. Personal Information
  2. Applicant's organization info
  3. Your thoughts on climate change
  4. Summary of Initiative
  5. Bussines model detail
  6. Current Annual Revenue
  7. Sustainable Development Goal


The last date to apply at Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award is 23 July 2020

How to apply at Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award:

There is a very simple process to apply for Germany scholarships for Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award. There is an online application link is given. Fill up the form and click the 'Register' button at the end. Be careful while entering all of your details.  

ScholarshipsTree Network wishes you good luck for your future success!

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